Dr Jarrah Sastrawan - Natural Disasters and Ancient Beliefs
Jarrah Sastrawan - Natural Disasters and Ancient Beliefs Indonesia is no stranger to natural disasters and it is not surprising that societies throughout the ages have attached political and social significance to these displays of natural power. In this episode, Dr Elisabeth Kramer speaks with Dr Wayan Jarrah Sastrawan to understand how societies in Java and Bali have understood the significance of natural disasters throughout time. Natural disasters are seen as markers of shifting political power. But whether they celebrate the emergence of new rulers or old dynasties losing divine favour is a matter of interpretation. Jarrah discusses this and contemporary interpretations of natural disasters in this episode. You can learn more about Jarrah's work at his website, www.wayanjarrah.com. In 2023, the Talking Indonesia podcast is co-hosted by Dr Jacqui Baker from Murdoch University, Tito Ambyo from RMIT, Dr Jemma Purdey from Deakin University and Dr Elisabeth Kramer from the University of NSW. Photo by Yosh Ginsu on Unsplash