History of Ideas: Hobbes on the State

Thomas Hobbes’s Leviathan (1651) reimagined how we could do politics. It redefined many of the ideas that continue to shape modern politics: representation, sovereignty, the state. But in Leviathan these ideas have a strange and puzzling power. David explores what Hobbes was trying to achieve and how a vision of politics that came out of the English civil war, can still illuminate the world we live in. To get all 12 talks - please subscribe to the new podcast - Talking Politics: HISTORY OF IDEAS. https://tinyurl.com/ybypzokq Free online version of the text: -  https://www.gutenberg.org/files/3207/3207-h/3207-h.htm Recommended version to purchase:  - https://www.cambridge.org/gb/academic/subjects/politics-international-relations/texts-political-thought/hobbes-leviathan-revised-student-edition?format=PB Going Deeper: - David Runciman, ‘The sovereign’ in The Oxford handbook of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013) - Richard Tuck, Hobbes a Very Short Introduction (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002) - (Video) Quentin Skinner, ‘What is the state? The question that will not go away’ - (Video) Sophie Smith, ‘The nature of politics’, the 2017 Quentin Skinner lecture.  - Noel Malcolm, Aspects of Hobbes (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004) - David for The Guardian on Hobbes and the coronavirus  

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Om Podcasten

Coronavirus! Climate! Brexit! Trump! Politics has never been more unpredictable, more alarming or more interesting: Talking Politics is the podcast that tries to make sense of it all. Every week David Runciman and Helen Thompson talk to the most interesting people around about the ideas and events that shape our world: from history to economics, from philosophy to fiction. What does the future hold? Can democracy survive? How crazy will it get? This is the political conversation that matters.Talking Politics is brought to you in partnership with the London Review of Books, Europe's leading magazine of books and ideas.