Episode 254: Tweet V. TooT v. Tesla

Robert and Joel an Ghostly Mel drop a show.Ford F-150 Lightning powers EV electric plane flight Zoomtopia 2022 - Zoom User ConferenceGiga Berlin application to build “Phase 2” plant, greatly increase plant size in 2023 - The Wolf Pack Berlin (YouTube) & @gigafactory_4https://www.google.de/maps/contrib/102231319048650692942/place/ChIJ51B0_1g7qEcRAAs8N5sgtNo/@52.3926173,13.7902534,3a,75y,72.52h,65.32t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipMi49Q3DCLJuGc6w3idJ5yw7F_66hh5pRxNUf1x!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipMi49Q3DCLJuGc6w3idJ5yw7F_66hh5pRxNUf1x%3Dw365-h260-k-no-pi-20-ya240-ro0-fo100!7i8192!8i4096?hl=deTweet by Martin Viecha:For the first time ever, the Tesla IR program ranked #1 in the Institutional Investor survey in our segment - the largest survey of IR programs. https://twitter.com/MartinViecha/status/1590096133971640320/photo/1A Lame Bird is Freed - Amy Vanderpoolhttps://open.substack.com/pub/shero/p/a-lame-bird-is-freed?utm_source=direct&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=webSupport the show

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Every week Mel Herbert, Tom Wolfson, Joel Sapp and Robert Rosenbloom get together to talk about the cars, the batteries, the superchargers, the rumours, the stock price, anything and everything Tesla and Elon and SpaceX and Boring Company and Hyperloop and our renewable energy future. Two episodes are available in wide release each month and two are exclusive to our Patreon supporters. Join today https://www.patreon.com/talkingtesla and never miss a single show.