Sharath Chandra Raparthy

Sharath Chandra Raparthy on In-Context Learning for Sequential Decision Tasks, GFlowNets, and more!  Sharath Chandra Raparthy is an AI Resident at FAIR at Meta, and did his Master's at Mila.  Featured Reference  Generalization to New Sequential Decision Making Tasks with In-Context Learning   Sharath Chandra Raparthy , Eric Hambro, Robert Kirk , Mikael Henaff, , Roberta Raileanu  Additional References  Sharath Chandra Raparthy Homepage  Human-Timescale Adaptation in an Open-Ended Task Space, Adaptive Agent Team 2023Data Distributional Properties Drive Emergent In-Context Learning in Transformers, Chan et al 2022  Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling, Chen et al  2021

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TalkRL podcast is All Reinforcement Learning, All the Time. In-depth interviews with brilliant people at the forefront of RL research and practice. Guests from places like MILA, OpenAI, MIT, DeepMind, Berkeley, Amii, Oxford, Google Research, Brown, Waymo, Caltech, and Vector Institute. Hosted by Robin Ranjit Singh Chauhan.