The Legend of Corran Horn - I, Jedi - Tapcaf Transmissions #22

Corey and Justin return to Luke's Jedi Praxium with a discussion of "I, Jedi"; the book follows the journey of X-Wing protagonist Corran Horn, who is forced to come to terms with his Jedi lineage in order to save his wife from a nasty band of pirates!Big News: Changes are coming to the podcast -- we're going weekly, with book club episodes mixed with variety episodes. Next week will be a discussion of season 7 of the Clone Wars and after that, we dive into the Han Solo Adventures with "Han Solo At Stars' End". Email us your questions or comments at and follow us on our brand new Twitter: Transmissions is a Star Wars Legends Expanded Universe podcast hosted by Justin of the YouTube Channel EckhartsLadder and Corey of the channels Corey's Datapad and CoreyLoses.

Om Podcasten

Reading, discussing and breaking down the books of the Star Wars Legends Expanded Universe.