S11, Chapter 5: I spoke to Omar Jobe.

The date was June 29, 2021. An ordinary Tuesday afternoon.But in just two days time, Bart and Krista Halderson would be dead. Their body parts strewn across rural Wisconsin.Omar Jobe, 33-years-old, answers the phone while working his job at the Madison Area Technical College help desk. He's connected with a man named Bart Halderson (pictured below).Bart would assume his son's identity in an attempt to get to the bottom of a seemingly impossible, year-long struggle to obtain his son’s college transcripts.And it's during this phone call that Bart would finally learn the truth about his son's academic situation. Chandler Halderson's intricate web of lies was about to be unspun—one thread at a time.This is Chapter 5 in a multi-part series. Please start at the beginning if you're new to the story.https://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/category/s11-the-haldersons/Episode images: https://imgur.com/a/lhooZiH—Patreonhttps://www.patreon.com/tapesfromthedarksidePayPal Donationshttps://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/paypal/Leave us a Review (it really helps)https://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/rate/—Credits:Omar Jobe, full call starts at 40:40https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mF_bH8gPYgRottweiler Investigationswww.youtube.com/@rottweilerinvestigationsLaw and Crime Networkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw4t3IOAES8&list=PLgQo91LygInIYqim8nRBBQfU51YksH11uMusic:Augusta Treverorumhttps://spoti.fi/496IfXkhttps://www.youtube.com/@augustatreverorum8397https://soundcloud.com/agsttrvrrm20Six Hundredhttps://20sixhundred.bandcamp.com/—Facebook Discussion Grouphttps://facebook.com/groups/tapesfromthedarksideInstagramhttps://www.instagram.com/thedarksidepod/Merchhttps://darkside.launchcart.store/shop

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Covering the dark side of humanity with a hauntingly tragic approach.TAPES FROM THE DARKSIDE is a serialized true crime podcast. Each season, we take one case and investigate in-depth using primary audio from 911 calls, police interrogations, interviews, court proceedings, and any other relevant sources we can find (...including Dr. Phil). Join us as we break down exactly what occurred, the potential motive behind each crime, and the moral/ethical implications for those involved.We release episodes 1-2 times per month. Get access to early releases, bonus episodes, merch discounts, stickers, and more on Patreon.Support us on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/tapesfromthedarksideMake a one-time donation:https://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/paypal/