S9, Chapter 2: The Fifth Floor

Calvin says that the first thing you noticed right away was the low ceilings. It was half that of the other floors. This truly felt like a nonexistent floor. Built between the crawlspaces of two actual floors.The taller members of the group buckled their knees to give the necessary headroom. And then excited, but also anxious, the group spread out and began to explore.Calvin cautiously walked the length of a dimly lit, concrete hall. The layout wasn’t much different than your normal hotel corridor. Doors branching off on either side to other rooms.Most were locked, but one was open.Support the show and get bonus content...https://www.patreon.com/tapesfromthedarkside—Lead writer this season: Carissa CollingeCarissa.collinge@gmail.comMain theme music: 20Six Hundredhttps://20sixhundred.bandcamp.com/Additional music: Augusta Treverorumhttps://soundcloud.com/agsttrvrrm—Make a one time donation...https://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/paypal/Leave us a Review (...it really helps!)https://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/rate/Join us on Facebook...facebook.com/groups/tapesfromthedarksideFollow on instagram...@theDARKSIDEpod

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Covering the dark side of humanity with a hauntingly tragic approach.TAPES FROM THE DARKSIDE is a serialized true crime podcast. Each season, we take one case and investigate in-depth using primary audio from 911 calls, police interrogations, interviews, court proceedings, and any other relevant sources we can find (...including Dr. Phil). Join us as we break down exactly what occurred, the potential motive behind each crime, and the moral/ethical implications for those involved.We release episodes 1-2 times per month. Get access to early releases, bonus episodes, merch discounts, stickers, and more on Patreon.Support us on Patreon:https://www.patreon.com/tapesfromthedarksideMake a one-time donation:https://www.tapesfromthedarkside.com/paypal/