Ep. 28 | Interlude: Q&A Special!
In this final installment of the Interlude mini series, Sarah fully transitions out of Iteration 1 of Tarot for the End of Times by answering your most frequently asked questions. She shares what's new and what's next for the podcast as she invites listeners to stay connected while she prepares for Iteration 2 and other exciting offerings that are in the works. Question Timestamps: 1:31 - Will you be covering the minor arcana? 3:00 - Any tips for memorizing/internalizing card meanings? 4:58 - What is your opinion on the Court cards? How do you work with a divination system that reflects oppressive hierarchical power structures while also keeping your practice decolonial and intersectional? 11:37 - Do you have any suggestions for using tarot to engage in ancestor work? Especially for those of us who are disconnected from our family of origin but want to spiritually connect with the lineage? 13:48 - Any tips for creating and/or choosing a spread? 15:50 - If you have a lot of decks to choose from, how do you select the appropriate deck for a reading? 18:12 - When you’re reading your own cards, what are the best ways to distinguish major themes from minor themes? 21:11 - How do you know when you’re getting a “real” message vs. when you’re trying to see your reading through rose-colored glasses? 25:03 - What’s the best way to break in a new deck? 26:26 - What’s the deal with reversals? SIGN UP FOR SNAKESKIN TAROT NEWS to stay connected during seasonal pauses and be the first to know about upcoming events, new offerings, resources, flash coupons, and pending changes with the podcast. Listeners who sign up by March 31, 2024 will receive a 10% coupon for their next reading! (Terms apply) RESOURCES: CLICK HERE FOR THE MAJOR ARCANA PLAYLIST! BOOK REFERENCE: W.E.B. Du Bois’s Data Portraits, Visualizing Black America, The Color Line at the Turn of the Twentieth Century. Support & Connect with Sarah: Find Sarah and continue the conversation on Instagram @snakeskin.tarot CLICK HERE TO BOOK A READING SUPPORT THE WORK (Venmo) SUPPORT THE WORK (PayPal)