2025 New Years Treat with Kojey Radical

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our People's Pod listeners! This week we have the hilarious Kojey Radical, who's here to give his commentary on the new NYT episode - including which contestant he thinks should have been paid extra and why. Plus we get to chat to him about his 2024 performance and what he'd give for those golden eyebrows.

Keep your eyes and ears out for Kojey's new album in the new year (fingers crossed for a song about an amoeba with leprosy). 

Next week we're revisiting some classics before getting back to our homework.

Send all your homework suggestions, goofs, bloops and thoughts to fans@taskmaster.tv

Order An Absolute Casserole book: taskmasterstore.com

Book the Taskmaster Live Experience: https://taskmasterliveexperience.com/

Visit jennyeclair.com to buy Jenny's memoir Jokes, Jokes, Jokes, out now!

Watch all of Taskmaster on All 4 www.channel4.com/programmes/taskmaster

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Taskmaster the Podcast is Produced and Edited by Christine Macdonald for Avalon Television

Om Podcasten

Introducing Taskmaster: The People’s Podcast, hosted by Series 15's beloved Jenny Eclair alongside Taskmaster aficionado, Jack Bernhardt. Each week, Jenny and Jack take a deep dive into the world of Taskmaster, talking to behind-the-scenes guests, superfans and some of the most beloved Taskmaster characters. This is the official fan podcast from the producers of the BAFTA-winning comedy show.

If you want to share your Taskmaster obsession, whether it's talking about your favourite task, what you loved from the latest episode or that you love to whack on a pair of stilts and cosplay as Greg Davies we're all ears. Leave us a message on the Fanswering Machine by sending a voice note on WhatsApp to 07810 025570 or emailing us at fans@taskmaster.tv. Your time starts... NOW!