The life of Livvy: Get to know me
Welcome to the first episode of Tea Time with Livvy, where the tea is piping hot ☕️💕 In episode one, Liv gives you a deep dive into her crazy life covering the essentials on family, relationships and how she has got to where she is today. New episodes availableevery Sunday!Want to be part of the tea party? Nothing is off limits! Send in your real-life tea, dilemmas and questions to and Livvywill react and dish out her best advice on the pod 💌✨Follow us on Instagram & TikTok @teatimewithlivvy For collaborations, email the studio at teatimepod@sareagency.comShot, produced and distributed by SARÉSTUDIO by SARÉ AGENCY @sare_agency @sarestudio__Edited by Hatti Porteous Music by Lvly