E112: A Composition Course Built for Piano Teachers w/ Guest Carol Matz

Carol Matz is a dear friend of mine. We have collaborated on projects and webinars many times over the last few years. You may know her as the creator of the Interactive Piano Method which has been my go-to method for several years now. She has worked with Alfred and FJH and many of the big publishing companies. Most recently Carol has created two courses helping piano teachers learn how to compose. She has two courses, For teachers who want to compose, and for teachers who want to arrange. Carol has spent over a year developing these courses so that any piano teachers no matter your level can learn how to write music for your students and also learn how to incorporate composition into your daily lessons!*Click here to learn about Carol Matz courses!*https://carolmatzpiano.com/courses-for-teachers/Want to reach out to Carol? Email her at carol@carolmatzpiano.comHave you left a review?Please take a moment to review this podcast on iTunes, your reviews mean so much to me! Your reviews also help other teachers find the podcast and know that it's one that can benefit their business as well. Click the link below to review the podcast:https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/teach-music-online/id1522634913Don't forget to watch my free masterclass!Learn how to DOUBLE your studio income without wasting a cent on ads! If you're looking for serious studio growth, help with social media, and studio branding then you need to watch my free class. It won't be available much longer! Click the link below to check it out.https://www.teachmusic.online/training

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Teaching online means that you can now share your passion with students around the world. Through this podcast, I help you use new technology, engaging teaching methods, and killer business tactics to build an online business that you love! My 7 years of online teaching experience combined with a tech savvy personality make me the perfect guide for you as you build your online studio. It’s not easy learning about a million new online teaching skills all while trying to juggle family life and manage your current students. The good news is, I’m here to help. Tune in a for a brand new episode every Monday at 8 AM Mountain Time! See you then!