TnT 82 What teachers can do to foster LGBTQ inclusivity in the classroom

New teachers often come into teaching already supporting LGBTQ rights and have good intentions to demonstrate this support but can fall short on implementation. How can they start eradicating cisnormativity and heteronormativity that has been institutionalized for many students? How can they create a safe space that goes beyond rainbow flags and stickers? In part 2 of my interview with Cody Miller, we continue to discuss how to support queer educators in our schools, how to deal with derogatory slurs involving being gay, and how non-English and history teachers can do their part to be LGBTQ allies.

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Teachers Need Teachers is the podcast for struggling teachers, whether you're new or a seasoned veteran. It's inspired by the questions and frustrations that teachers are expressing around the web, plus the questions that you didn’t know you should ask! I'll help you clear the confusion and figure out what to focus on so that you’ll have the most positive impact in your classrooms without losing your freaking mind. I want to help you navigate through the craziness of teaching while maintaining your sanity AND personal life!