Buzz Bonus: Course Engagement Techniques with Dr. Chaohua Ou

Listen to a recording of the Remote Teaching Academy webinar on engaging students in remote courses, especially asynchronous courses. CTL's Dr. Chaohua Ou covers three main aspects of student engagement - communication, connection, and interaction - and shares strategies for each aspect. (Please excuse any brief gaps in the media as we edited the file for brevity.)

Om Podcasten

The Teaching and Learning Buzz is the podcast of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Georgia Institute of Technology. In the show, CTL faculty, Drs. Carol Subino Sullivan and Rebecca Pope-Ruark, speak with special guests from all over the Institute and beyond about teaching, engaging, mentoring, and supporting Tech students.CTL's envisions a campus culture that creates meaningful learning for all students, empowers people to engage in effective instruction, and values excellence in teaching.