How Can Data Drive Innovation and Growth?

Join us, as we consider how data-driven insights help businesses and improve their competitive edge in the market. Tsvetelin Anastasov is the founder of Scapebridge, Co-Founder and Vice-President of Tech France Ambassadeurs and Global Tech Advocate.As a data strategist and Tech Ecosystems builder, Anastasov promotes the value of data through his vast range of experience as a tech expert!Stay tuned for more updates and stay connected with us as we bring you engaging conversations with industry...

Om Podcasten

Tech Brains Talk is a fun, relaxed, educative and honest podcast. Tech Brains Talk is a conversation on the strategy of becoming a remarkable individual, creating or being part of iconic tech brands. Tech Brains Talk is hosted by Flavilla Fongang author, international speaker and founder of 3 Colours Rule – a creative branding and marketing agency for tech companies. Through engaging conversations with brilliant individuals in the tech world, you will learn from their success, lessons and what they believe is the future of technology. Be a step ahead and get updates about technology trends with Tech Brains Talk.