How a financial services company dodged ‘The Great Resignation’

During the past year, workers have left their jobs at an unprecedented rate. The mass migration has been dubbed 'The Great Resignation' and it's shone a light on the importance of employee retention. Especially in IT where there is already a shortage of technical talent available on the market, companies should make a serious effort to keep their workers engaged and productive. Jeff Previte, the executive vice-president of IT at CrossCountry Mortgage knows all about that. After joining the company in 2019, he worked to address a high turnover rate. By implementing an employee-first experience, he moved a 60% turnover rate to 10% in just a few years time. On this episode of Tech Insights, he tells us how to set priorities to keep your staff. We're also joined by Info-Tech senior research analyst Nick Kozlo. This episode is part of a mini-series for Info-Tech's CIO Priorities 2022 report.

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