#53: Don't F@*# With My Call of Duty

Is the FCC f***ing with your Call of Duty? Could strict net neutrality regulation make online video gaming worse? The FCC's Title II reclassification of broadband included a blanket ban on paid prioritization of Internet traffic, even if done at the request of the user. Net neutrality activists called that a win for consumers, but prioritization could improve lag-sensitive services like online gaming, live-streamed sports, and video chatting. Evan is joined by Tom Struble, TechFreedom’s Policy Counsel. They discuss the FCC’s impact on video games and the treatment of Internet traffic. Are all bits created equal?

Om Podcasten

Tech policy is at the center of the hottest debates in American law and politics. On the Tech Policy Podcast, host Corbin Barthold discusses the latest developments with some of the tech world's best journalists, lawyers, academics, and more.