What is AI’s potential in banking and capital markets?
Whilst the hype around AI is justifiable the reality around how it’s being used in banking and capital markets looks a lot less exciting and more down to earth. Tune in and find out more in this insightful episode. Where can AI help banks and traders? How is AI being used nowadays and where is the industry heading? Will AI determine the unsafe usage of unstructured data? Listen to Bradley Howard and seasoned experts Stephane Malrait MD Global Head of Market Structure and Innovation for Financial Markets at ING and Pierre Kovacs, Industry Consultant Banking and Capital Markets take a closer look at how AI is shaping the banking industry. “…it's still under the supervision of a trader on the desk. So all the automations that we do there is people monitoring it in real time. The machine is never alone to make those decision and to manage. There is always supervision on top of it. So I think we put a lot of safeguards to make sure it doesn't go crazy. And even the regulator, as I say, want to make sure that all the algorithms that we write are tested, validated review approved by the compliance officer, the risk manager, et cetera. So there is a algo framework model that is used by every bank and validated by regulators to be able to put those barriers. And I think it's needed. And it fair that those barrier exists to make sure the system stay resilient and safe for clients.” – Stephane Malrait