Bridging Whitehall and the Tech Frontier: Sir Vince Cable on Reinventing the UK's Innovation Landscape
In this episode of the Tech Talks podcast, host David Savage sits down with Sir Vince Cable, the former UK Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills. Sir Vince shares insights from his time in government and discusses the challenges and opportunities facing the UK's technology sector, including government’s role in supporting tech, how we balance the need for regulation and innovation, and how the UK positions itself as a hub for technology leadership. David and Cat also discuss the startling news emerging from Google Quantum AI:, if you’re in London on Thursday the 12th of December, join David and the Intersectional Healing Collective at an event at the Good Hotel: Tech Talks is powered by Nash Squared, the leading global provider of technology and talent solutions. Find out more about our solutions at The music on Tech Talks is created by London artist Lemzi: