It's Alive

Chris Gethard, Simon Winchester and danah boyd are panelists. The comedian, "Professor and the Madman" author, and social-media scholar hear tales from the natural world — about marine animals that will either live forever or kill you (or both), as well as the wonders of poop soup. Tales from the natural world, including marine animals that will either live forever or kill you (or both), as well as the wonders of poop soup. Fact-checking by FiveThirtyEight’s Jody Avirgan.

Om Podcasten

Journalism wrapped in a game-show package. Host Stephen J. Dubner (of “Freakonomics Radio”) and a celebrity co-host invite guests on stage in front of a live audience to tell us something we don’t know. The co-hosts — a mix of leaders in science, academia, sports, media, and comedy — grill the guests, and by the end we’ve all gotten a bit smarter. Each episode has a new topic, a new co-host, and new guests. There’s also a real-time human fact-checker to keep everyone honest. Think of the most crackling dinner-party conversation you’ve ever heard. Produced in association with Stitcher.