The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing

There are some stories so plainly horrifying, some crimes so gut wrenching, that it can be hard to imagine the perpetrator as anything other than a villain. A drunk driving accident that killed 6 people does not sound like the beginning of a redemption story. But this episode isn’t about redemption — it’s about learning to live alongside an unthinkable mistake. — Listener support makes our independent podcast possible. Consider joining our Patreon to get bonus episodes, ad-free episodes, and join a community of Terribles. Our Substack is a great way to connect with us and other listeners (and get more Terrible in your inbox). Join us here. The episode transcript can be found here. — We’re lucky to only work with sponsors and brands we know and love. Using our links and codes saves you money and supports our independent production! Indeed: Start hiring NOW with a SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLAR SPONSORED JOB CREDIT to upgrade your job post at Offer good for a limited time. Just go to and support the show by saying you heard about it on this podcast. Terms and conditions apply. Need to hire? You need Indeed. Squarespace: Go to and use offer code TTFA to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. You can find our full sponsor list here. — Find all our shows and our store at — Find TTFA on social: TTFA on Instagram | TTFA on FacebookSee for privacy information.

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Subscribe within Apple Podcasts for ad-free listening, bonus episodes, and access to our full archive. For all those perks and more, including a supportive community of Terrible listeners, mail surprises and live sessions with our team, join us on! — It's a question we ask (and get asked) all the time: “How are you?” And normally we just respond with “Fine!” even if we’re totally dying inside, so everyone can go about their day. But it’s not always all that fine, is it? “Terrible, Thanks For Asking” is a show by author Nora McInerny that lets real people get real honest about how they’re really doing. It’s sometimes sad, sometimes funny, and almost always both. A production of Feelings & Co.