161: Waste in Software Development

Software development processes create value, and have waste, in the Lean sense of the word waste. Lean manufacturing and lean software development changed the way we look at value and waste. This episode looks at lean definitions of waste, so we can see it clearly when we encounter it. I'm going to use the term waste and value in future episodes. I'm using waste in a Lean sense, so we can look at software processes critically, see the value chain, and try to reduce waste. Lean manufacturing and lean software development caused people to talk about and examine waste and value, even in fields where we didn't really think about waste that much to begin with. Software is just ones and zeros. Is there waste? When I delete a file, nothing goes into the landfill. The mistake I'm making here is confusing the common English definition of waste when what we're talking about is the Lean definition of waste. This episode tries to clear up the confusion. Full TranscriptLinks:Big Design Up FrontLightweight MethodologiesManifesto for Agile Software DevelopmentExtreme programmingThe New MethodologyTest First Programming / Test First DevelopmentTest Driven DevelopmentThe Pragmatic ProgrammerSix SigmaDMAICLean software developmentLean manufacturingThe Toyota WayLean Six SigmaDefinition of Waste by Merriam-Webster

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Topics include automated testing, testing strategy, software engineering practices, packaging, Python, pytest, data science, TDD, continuous integration, and software methodologies. Also anything I think helps make the daily life of a software developer more fun and rewarding. Hosted by Brian Okken.