"What Do You Mean" You're a Justin Bieber Fan with Amy Astrid

This week we're chatting all things Justin Bieber with content creator and social media manager Amy Astrid.

Join us as we discuss the highs and lows of Justin's career & how that can affect you as a fan, where Amy was when Justin followed her on Twitter and much more.

Check out That Fangirl Life on Instagram for more fangirl content: https://www.instagram.com/thatfangirl.life_/

Follow Amy here:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amyastridd/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/amyastrid

Twitter: https://twitter.com/amyastrid

Om Podcasten

Welcome to That Fangirl Life: the platform and podcast that champions female fans! Join us each week where we chat with fans about their personal fangirl life. From Harry Styles to BTS, fan fiction to family reaction, if you're looking to fangirl with others, then this is the podcast for you! Check out our website thatfangirllife.com for more content.