Money No Object Guitar Rig Challenge – Dan Vs Mick: That Pedal Show

We challenge each other to put together a dream, money-no-object guitar rig comprising one guitar, one amp and three pedals on a board. What do we choose and who wins?   We hope you enjoy this episode. Please subscribe to our channel. You can buy TPS merch to support our efforts We are on Patreon – crowdfunding for creatives Please visit our preferred retailers!UK & Europe: Andertons Music Pedal Empire

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We are Dan & Mick from That Pedal Show. We want you to sound better, play more and be inspired! We believe that when it comes to guitar tones there are no answers, only better questions. Our job is to help you find those questions and explore them. We like traditional guitars, real amps and high quality stompboxes with as much analogue signal as humanly possible. Please join us in our quest for ever-improving tone!