Episode 277: Pentland's Palette

Box Art Review Extravaganza. Yes, it is an interview with THE David Pentland of Advanced Squad Leader (and many other companies) box art fame. Get the inside scoop on the techniques and tactics of a premier Military Artist, right here on this podcast! SHOWTIMES 1:00 Banter?  No there is not! 1:01 Interviews! Yes, there is much. 58:05  Total Running Time  SHOW LINKS Pentland's Facebook Fine Art Site Pentland's Facebook Military Site Download this episode (right-click and Save)

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The 2 Half-Squads is the only podcast dedicated 100% to Advanced Squad Leader. Join Dave and Jeff for an informative, frolicking hour of ASL talk. It's tactics and antics, tips and quips, guns and puns, strategy and comedy. It's ASL like you've never heard before!