Episode 301: Things That Come in Threes

Three is a nice number. There are three products featured in the photo.  Three deluxe boards in WO #13. Three sides to the triangle on the three player pack. In spite of that, we have two boxes to open on this show.  So many ASL treasures. So little time. The first is the the Three-Player Pack from the gents who produce the March Madness stuff. Dave presents a close look at those scenarios and, all of 'em are designed for three players, not two, but three players. Yes, count 'em, three!  If you like the Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader products or the Korean War module, you will absolutely love the Winter Offensive Pack #13 because it features three new boards for Deluxe ASL games, and it includes two Korean War scenarios, and two more for WWII in the Pacific featuring the U.S. Marines.  Semper Fi!   There is another contest in here. You might like the product that is to be given away. Listen for it. We are now posting our episodes (with more visuals) on Our YouTube Channel. SHOWTIMES 0:01 Talk, Chat 12:00 Contest Winners Announced21:00 New Contest Announced24:00 Three-Player Pack44:00 Winter Offensive Pack #1357:54 Total Running Time The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by kind donations from listeners like you, and Bounding Fire Productions.  Download this episode (right-click and Save)

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The 2 Half-Squads is the only podcast dedicated 100% to Advanced Squad Leader. Join Dave and Jeff for an informative, frolicking hour of ASL talk. It's tactics and antics, tips and quips, guns and puns, strategy and comedy. It's ASL like you've never heard before!