Episode 314: Journal 13 Deuxium Partie

We titled this one "deuxiem partie" to make us seem smart. Did it work?  :30 ASL and Non ASL ChatNo matter your answer, we present the rest of the Advanced Squad Leader Journal #13. You probably have noticed that the cover of said journal is unique among ASL Art.  You are, most likely, therefore hoping for a BAR - Box Art Review. It is your lucky day. Box Art Review returns.  Some banter topics include ChatGPT, the Second Front Computer game, and the wonderful ASL Players.Net.  Cool stuff. SHOWTIMES11:45 What's in the Box?23:10 Box Art Review - BAR32:00 Scenarios1:01:09 Total Running Time SHOWLINKSASL Journal 13 on Board Game GeekASL Net Videos and SuchSecond Front GamesChanges added to VASL The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you. The views and opinions expressed on The 2 Half-Squads are not necessarily those of the hosts.   Download this episode (right-click and Save) 

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The 2 Half-Squads is the only podcast dedicated 100% to Advanced Squad Leader. Join Dave and Jeff for an informative, frolicking hour of ASL talk. It's tactics and antics, tips and quips, guns and puns, strategy and comedy. It's ASL like you've never heard before!