Episode 349: It Came in the Mail

Mike Ryzy brings the box for this show and he gives us a look inside Special Ops #12. Why Special Ops #12? Because it came in the mail. It has a new map and 4 scenarios (2 for Starter Kit), and a look at Jim Bishops article on the third die for R.O.F.  Rule C10 finishes off the show for today.  SHOW LINKS Special Ops #12 SHOW TIMES 00:01 "ASL Edelweiss" Song 2:00 Much Chit Chat12:00 Contest Winner Announced13:00 What's in the Box?29:00 Rules 49:43 Total Running Time "ASL Edelweiss" Lyrics by Rich Spilky Performed by The 2 Half Squads Singers A-S-L, A-S-L, Every die roll enchants meRule book thick, games not quick, Line of Sight is no problemEight on the eight is an N-M-C, Will my morale sustain me?A-S-L, A-S-L, Special ammo forever! A-S-L, A-S-L, Please save me from slow players!Wind and rain, brush and grain, Each board looks lovely to meA two is good and a twelve is bad, Yet target types perplex meA-S-L, A-S-L, Skulking safely forever! The 2 Half-Squads is brought to you by Bounding Fire Productions, and kind donations from listeners like you. The views and opinions expressed on The 2 Half-Squads are not necessarily those of the hosts. You can also watch the show on our Youtube channel. Download this episode (right-click and Save)

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The 2 Half-Squads is the only podcast dedicated 100% to Advanced Squad Leader. Join Dave and Jeff for an informative, frolicking hour of ASL talk. It's tactics and antics, tips and quips, guns and puns, strategy and comedy. It's ASL like you've never heard before!