Episode 352: ASLOK Take Two

Hey, look what's in the mailbag! We got some letters, and we open the show with that. After a look at some cool technological advances in playing aids, Wai Wong and Jonathan Kay from Canada give us a look at ASLOK and their thoughts on all things Advanced Squad Leader. SHOW TIMES 0:32 Banter 3:40 Letters 16:10 Latest ASL Gaming Aids 42:00 Interview with Jonathan Kay and Wai Wong 49:44 Total Running Time LINKS Victory Games on Youtube  Download this episode (right click and save)

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The 2 Half-Squads is the only podcast dedicated 100% to Advanced Squad Leader. Join Dave and Jeff for an informative, frolicking hour of ASL talk. It's tactics and antics, tips and quips, guns and puns, strategy and comedy. It's ASL like you've never heard before!