Applying Enterprise Architecture to Identify Cost Containment and Optimization Opportunities

We have all turned, to some degree, to a short-term focus in both our personal and business lives. We all have to deal with reality. The question is how do you address both short and longer term issues and opportunities. In the short term, we need to identify areas for optimization, while understanding the effects of this optimization in future operations. The question is can we use a “scalpel”, rather than a “meat clever” to identify and act in the short term. This simple answer is yes! We will outline a two-week Enterprise Architecture Immersion approach that will identify short-term prioritized opportunities for cost optimization, and setting the stage for the eventual return to normalcy. Can this be done is one day? Yes, but a realistic amount of time is two elapsed weeks. Yes, focus on today and tomorrow, and set a baseline now for address and managing continual change. Move from crisis management to event driven actions. Please listen in to this very important episode.

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The 2020’s Enterprise is about sorting through the internet-driven advice madness that exists in business today. The great thing about the internet is that anyone can write anything about anything. The problem with the internet is that anyone can write anything about anything! Published practices are quite different than “best practices.” This program will provide practice-based insights in business transformation, organizational transformation and technology transformation, based on real world practices. Business executives, managers, practitioners, and staff are bombarded daily with utopian solutions that more often than not deliver significantly less than promised. This show is “no jargon,” just human communication. Be treated like a “customer” not a “user.” Our philosophy is to provide you with insights that can provide true value to organizations and individuals that face today’s and tomorrow’s competitive pressures, and provide a usable takeaway from each program.