A gift for you: Get 1400+ free sci-fi sounds at asoundeffect.com/gift

You get 1400+ free sound effects at https://www.asoundeffect.com/gift/ (for a limited time!) Just a quick heads up that we've teamed up with indie sound creator Nathan Moody to give you the Analogue Ordnance Lite sound effects library for free right now, featuring 1400+ sci-fi sound effects. You also get the chance to win Nathan Moody's full SFX catalog. The sounds can be used for commercial games too - EULA here: https://www.asoundeffect.com/license-agreement/ Best of luck and hope you enjoy the sounds!

Om Podcasten

The A Sound Effect Podcast is the world’s first podcast dedicated to sound effects. It features exclusive interviews on the sound for film and games that make an impact right now, highlights independent sound effects creators and sound effects libraries - and groundbreaking new trends in the sound community.