Topic Talk | Celebrity Crush

Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack share their teenage celebrity crushes!Transcript:00:00:01JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are doing a topic talk and we're talking about celebrity crushes that you had when you were a kid. OK and social, just for our audiences understanding what is a crush.00:00:22JackAgain, if you have a crush on someone.00:00:25XochitlA crush is like when you really, really like someone. Kind of like an intense infatuation.00:00:31XochitlBut it's not really based on anything real like like a real connection with that person. It's a lot of what you project on that person, and it's usually based on, like either appearance or small like personality traits that you've acquired through seeing them act or whatever, that you kind of imagined for this person.00:00:44발표자Right.00:00:50JackAnd so you you.00:00:51JackYou know, often like, like high school kids will. You'll have a crush on a girl in your class or a guy in your class, but you don't really know that person. You just. But. But it's like, almost like an intense feeling of love. Like it's not real.00:00:59발표자MHM.00:01:04JackLove. But it's just like it feels like you're you're your chest is being crushed because you're you're so you. Your feelings are so strong for this person. Like they're perfect, you know? Ohh the perfect person. But really in reality you don't know them at all. And they could be awful, you know, so.00:01:24발표자Great.00:01:25JackYeah, that's. So we have a thing called celebrity crushes because there's, you know, we're we're surrounded by celebrities all the.00:01:32JackTime and sometimes we will develop. You know that feeling of like, again, that crush feeling. It's like it's not love or it's not real love, but it's like attraction to a person who you feel like is your soul mate your perfect person, you know.00:01:47발표자Right.00:01:52JackLike Ohh that's that's my ideal, you know person.00:01:57JackAnd so when you were like young, when you're a kid who were your celebrity crushes, like who, who were you, who did you crush on when you were?00:02:10XochitlOh boy.00:02:12XochitlMy biggest one was Justin.00:02:16XochitlSure.00:02:17JackOhh, I was gonna say Justin Timberlake.00:02:20XochitlNo, I I he was too old, I think for my. Yeah, cause. Yeah, Justin Bieber was like my he was a couple years older, like few years. He's a few years older than me, I think. Yeah. And so he was a big celebrity crush of mine when I was probably like, 14 or 30 when I was 13, he was like.00:02:22JackYeah, he's like a grandfather.00:02:39Xochitl16 probably and uh.00:02:41JackCan I ask you a question? So did you have Bieber fever?00:02:42XochitlYeah.00:02:46XochitlGod. Yeah, I did. Uh, I thought it was too good to have Beaver fever, but I wasn't. And I didn't like him at the same time that every, like everyone else, already liked him. And I was, like, holding out. And then I saw this interview where he was really nice to this little girl, and it was like I thought it was so cute.00:03:04XochitlUM.00:03:06JackAnd that was before all the facial tattoos and the like neck tattoos.00:03:09XochitlYeah, it was. We went kind of crazy and, you know, had a meltdown because he was like he was transitioning from child star to adult star. And I thought he was just so cute. And I had, like, a people bought me, like gifts for my birthday. Like, they bought me both of his.00:03:12JackYeah.00:03:18발표자Yeah, yeah.00:03:27XochitlLike CD's that he had at the time, a lunch box with his face on it.00:03:32XochitlAnd I had a huge poster that my sister bought me on my bedroom wall.00:03:37JackNice.00:03:39XochitlAnd so that was a big that was like one of my first big celebrity crushes. Jack, you go with one of yours and we'll just go back and forth here. How about?00:03:49JackOK, again, my OK, I'm 47 years old, so you have to understand these all that my celebrity crushes all come from like the late 80s to early 90s. OK, when I was like 12 or 13 years old because I was born in 1977, so.00:04:07JackUh, my. My first uh, I don't know. I'm trying to think of, like, my celebrity crush.00:04:15JackI think maybe one of the one of my first ones was the actress Elizabeth Shue.00:04:22JackUM, and you probably don't know who she is, right? Elizabeth Shue was in a movie called The Karate Kid.00:04:23XochitlI.00:04:30JackAnd.00:04:31XochitlOh my God. She was Daniel's girlfriend.00:04:33JackDaniel's girlfriend. Yes, yes, I thought she was so.00:04:35XochitlI do know cause I saw that my mom made me watch. My mom's a Gen. Xer and she made us watch the karate.00:04:40XochitlKid, when we were kids, which I liked a lot, so yeah.00:04:41JackYeah, it's a classic. You gotta watch it. The Karate Kid is, uh, yeah, it's a classic movie. And Elizabeth Shue was the love interest in there. She had a Daniel had a crush on her. They she had an ex-boyfriend who was a bully.00:04:57JackAnd, UM, yeah, it was. Uh, she she was, you know, absolutely, you know, the epitome of, like, the perfect high school girlfriend, you know, bubbly, charming, cute, you know.00:05:12XochitlYou're all next door style.00:05:14JackGirl next door. Yeah, she was. She was very. She was kind, you know, she wasn't stuck up. She. Yeah. Yeah, so.00:05:22JackElizabeth Shue was was one of my first celebrity crushes.00:05:26XochitlHave you seen a Cobra Kai?00:05:28JackYeah, I've watched that. I saw a couple of seasons of that show. I enjoyed it.00:05:33XochitlYou much more because she shows back up.00:05:35XochitlAt some point.00:05:36JackYeah, she did show up in that one. Yeah. And that, you know, now she's 50, you know, something years old, 55 years old or whatever, but.00:05:47JackYeah. So you know, that was one of my celebrity crushes. I'm sure I'm, it's me and about a million other Gen. X, you know, men my age, maybe 10s of millions who would put her on the list. Yeah. Yeah.00:06:04JackWhat's your #2?00:06:04XochitlRight.00:06:06XochitlMy #2 High School Musical when everyone was crushing on Zac Efron, I was crushing on Corbin Bleu.00:06:14JackCorporate blue. Who's that? Which one is that?00:06:16XochitlThat's his friend. Uh, I don't know, cause I only watched High School Musical one time, but.00:06:23XochitlHe's like I'm trying to find a picture of him to show you guys here.00:06:27XochitlHe was this guy.00:06:29JackBut Corbin Bleu is his real name. Or is that his the name of OK?00:06:32XochitlYeah, that's his real name. This is Corbin book. Can you see him here? There you go.00:06:36JackOhh yeah, yeah, yeah. OK. He's got like kind of.00:06:38JackYeah.00:06:39JackBig hair, yeah.00:06:40XochitlCurly hair and yeah, he was my I had he. I thought he was really cute and I did not understand the hype over Zach Efron. I felt like Zac Efron's eyes didn't match the rest of his face and he was orange looking and sorry that got Bron.00:06:55XochitlThose were like my observations, and I thought Corbin Blue was just the cutest, so that was.00:07:01XochitlYeah.00:07:02JackOK. OK, interesting. Alright. Alright, I'm.00:07:05XochitlI almost always like never was like a huge fan of the main character. I always liked the second guy like in Harry Potter.00:07:13JackYou like the goof like goofy best friend. You know guy? Yeah.00:07:16XochitlYeah, like in Harry Potter. I always liked Ron Weasley over Harry.00:07:20JackOhh OK yeah, yeah.00:07:21XochitlIt's like that was just my thing. I.00:07:23XochitlDon't know why.00:07:24JackNo.00:07:25JackWell, Harry short, you know, in real life he's a pretty short guy.00:07:28XochitlIsn't Rupert Grint also short, though?00:07:31JackProbably, yeah. These might be taller than Harry though, yeah?00:07:32XochitlYeah, I think he's too. I just thought he was cuter than he.00:07:35JackThey're all tiny little yeah.00:07:38XochitlThey're all short people, yeah.00:07:39JackYeah, yeah.00:07:42JackUM alright, my my second one is I used to watch this show again when I was like, you know, 12 or 13 called saved by the bell. It was a sitcom.00:07:57JackAnd but it was like a. It was like a a kids sitcom. It was different. It would. It was on Saturday mornings instead of like, you know, Thursday evening saved by the bell. And it was it took place in the high school, and there was a again, this is like a a side character.00:08:09발표자Hmm.00:08:16JackUM named Lisa Turtle was her name, but her real name is Lark Voorhees, the actress and I had a a huge crush on on her and she was like.00:08:31JackThe character. Do you have you ever heard?00:08:33JackOf the character Screech.00:08:35JackScreech the the nerd? No. OK, but you have no idea what I'm talking about right now. OK, so it doesn't matter. No, none of our students know what I'm talking about. Saved by the bell. Uh, Lisa, turtle. And that's her. Her real name is Lark Voorhees, the actress. And so I had a huge.00:08:40XochitlNo, I'm 25.00:08:54JackCrush on her.00:08:55JackYeah.00:08:55XochitlLark is a cool name for a woman. It's a real name Mark.00:08:57JackThat is a cool name, I know.00:09:00JackMaybe the only way it would be cooler is to do like skylark.00:09:05JackThat's is that cooler?00:09:06XochitlI've seen Skyler as a name, but I like lark better. I think. I think that's cooler. Like lark George.00:09:11JackWhat about skylark?00:09:15XochitlI think it's like trying too hard. I think Laura Voorhees sounds like you're like a cool like in a punk rock band or so, you know, like a drunk band. You know what I mean? I like it. Yeah. Alright. My third one was when I was like a little bit older. So it's like, so I'm a little embarrassed, but I think I was like 18 or 19. So I was still a.00:09:20JackYeah. Yeah, OK. OK. OK, yeah, that's good.00:09:25발표자Like.00:09:32XochitlTeenager so in Guk.00:09:36JackOhh.00:09:37XochitlThe Korean uh actor and singer.00:09:42XochitlAnd I saw him in a music video by K will called. Please don't. And he was really cute. Like I just thought, Oh my God, he's so cute. And I started, like, looking up what other stuff he was in besides his music video. And he was in some K drama.00:09:57XochitlAnd.00:09:58XochitlBut he had his own music and stuff, and so I would like, listen to his music videos. He has a really nice voice.00:10:04JackIs that why you came to Korea? Because you got into, like population.00:10:06XochitlNo, no, no, no, no, no, I was not. No, that's so embarrassing. No, I wasn't a huge K pop person. I like solo artists like like IU selling the.00:10:08JackYou didn't come to meet him in person.00:10:20JackOr rain something like that. B yeah.00:10:23XochitlI don't really know rain or be that might have been like a little before my, but sawing OK will IU. I was a huge fan of them.00:10:33XochitlAnd the whole reason I really got into Korea was actually a YouTuber called Tonon Mukadam. I was looking up how.00:10:39XochitlTo.00:10:40XochitlTeach abroad in uh. Just teaching abroad in general, I think, and her channel came up about teaching abroad in Korea. And then like the benefits are so.00:10:50XochitlMuch.00:10:51XochitlBetter and easier, I feel like than a lot of other English.00:10:54XochitlYes, all countries. So that's how I.00:10:55JackYeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.00:10:58XochitlYeah, but selling Google was a huge celebrity crush of mine. So what's your last one, Jack?00:11:03JackOK, OK.00:11:05JackMy last one is, uh, the singer. This one was she was very popular when I was in high school, maybe.00:11:13Jack10th grade or 9th grade or something? Uh. Jewel.00:11:18JackDo you know jewel?00:11:19XochitlNo.00:11:20JackYou've never heard of.00:11:22XochitlI've never heard of her. I really have never heard of.00:11:24JackHer. So I'm so old. All right, Jewel, is she? She she's a guitarist, singer-songwriter. She her first single. Who will save your soul.00:11:41JackIs, you know, has probably 20 million downloads on on uh, YouTube.00:11:48JackShe's just a very, very talented singer and I think it's just her beauty and her talent was, you know, just, you know, I've had a crush on her because I think there's something about that combination of like.00:12:08JackUmm.00:12:09JackAttractive beauty and also talent and ability to sing and write music. It was to me like, you know, he's perfect, you know, like Oh my goodness. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It wasn't just about physical, you know, appearance. It was like ohh man. You know she's smart.00:12:18XochitlLike, Oh my gosh, yeah.00:12:20XochitlRight, like a triple Emmys thing.00:12:29JackBeautiful. And she can write music and sing and perform and has a great voice.00:12:33JackSo you know, I mean, I'm sure that like lots of my parents, generations had crushes on like Joni Mitchell or, you know, Emmy Lou Harris or other, you know, you know Diana Ross or whatever. But yeah, for my generation, it was jewel and.00:12:45발표자Hmm.00:12:54JackYou you have no idea what I'm talking about.00:12:56XochitlI'm going to have to look up after this, I'll send you send me like a YouTube.00:12:58JackYes.00:13:00XochitlTube of one of her songs of dual songs.00:13:03JackYou should go down to jewel. You should go down to jewel rabbit hole. You might actually like her cause you're you're like the singer guitar player guitar writer. You know, singer-songwriter yourself. Yeah, you would. Yeah.00:13:06XochitlI will. I will.00:13:10XochitlYeah, I think it's probably like, yeah. And I'll send you like a song, good song, and then we can trade, yeah.00:13:19JackOK. Yeah. Then we'll compare notes next week. Yeah, OK.00:13:22XochitlYeah, sounds good.00:13:24XochitlAll right, listeners, well, you have to let us know who your celebrity crushes were. I'd love to hear about celebrity crushes from around the world. I'll leave us a comment down below at A-Z. shoot us an e-mail at at and make sure to join our community of students in our WhatsApp and WeChat groups.00:13:43XochitlAnd we'll see you guys next time. Bye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out:

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