Topic Talk | What cartoons did you watch as a kid?
Become a monthly subscriber for just $1.99 per month and receive an additional two to three episodes per week! this episode of The A to Z English Podcast, Xochitl and Jack talk about the cartoons they used to watch on television as children.Transcript:00:00:00JackHey A-Z listeners, this is Jack here.00:00:03JackAnd if you would like to become an exclusive subscriber to the show, you can hit the link in the description and that will take you to our Red Circle page, where for $1.99 a month you will get access to an extra two or three episodes each week.00:00:23JackAnd be careful, don't hit that donation button if you want to become an exclusive subscriber because the donation button is just a one time donation. However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:55JackWelcome to the 80s English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my Co social. And today we are talking about what cartoons did you watch when you were a kid. And we'll try to keep it at like 3. I think 3 each if we can. And so I grew up. I was a kid in the 80s and in the 80s.00:01:10XochitlYes.00:01:16JackThere was this thing called Saturday morning cartoons and every kid.00:01:23JackCouldn't wait to wake up on Saturday morning and watch Saturday morning cartoons. This is because this is before the Internet, right? I mean, we're talking 5 channels on the television and the whole Saturday morning is just for you. Yeah, just cartoons.00:01:41XochitlCartoons.00:01:44JackSo.00:01:45JackThe ones that I watched the first one that I watched was, uh, Transformers. I loved Transformers. Yeah, and now you can watch those movies, those ridiculous.00:01:54XochitlInteresting.00:01:58XochitlThose came out like when I was a kid. Ish. Those transformed? Yeah, I.00:02:01JackYeah, right. And I I remember having the toys in the 80s and watching the original cartoon in the 80s, and it was great. Optimus Prime and Bumblebee and all the all the main characters. But that was that was a.00:02:21JackA A definite staple when I.00:02:24JackAs a kid, uh, another one that I watched was GI Joe. My brother and I loved GI Joe. And GI Joe is now a famous movie series as well because they take all these 80s cartoons and they turn them into, you know, big blockbuster movies.00:02:42XochitlMovies, real action, live action things. Yeah. So now I understand that live action isn't new because I I was like, why are they turning all these Disney classics that I watched when I was a kid into live action? And now I see that life actions that I saw when I was.00:02:56XochitlGrowing up were things that were cartoons when you were a kid, so it's not a new thing.00:02:59JackYeah, right. You you're saying the copy of the copy of the copy? You know what I mean? Like you're.00:03:04XochitlRight, yeah.00:03:06JackYeah, because all the all the directors and the writers were were kids that were my age. Watching these these Saturday morning cartoons going, these would make great movies. I can't wait to grow up and make this into a movie, which is funny because people that are watching those movies have no idea that those used to be cartoons.00:03:27XochitlRight, it's weird.00:03:28JackYeah, it's, it's weird.00:03:30JackUh #3. I used to watch uh Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.00:03:35JackWhich is yeah.00:03:35XochitlOhh, let's let's.00:03:37XochitlDo a thing. When I was a kid.00:03:38JackYeah.00:03:40JackAnd you know, I was choosing. I was trying to decide between that and dungeons and Dragons because I love the Dungeons and Dragons.00:03:47XochitlNo dungeons and Dragons was a cartoon.00:03:49JackYeah. Yeah, it was a. It was like a game and it's it was a cartoon.00:03:54JackThere was also a show called.00:03:58JackThe the gummy bears? No. Is it? Yeah. The gummy bears. Yeah.00:04:02XochitlCare bears the care bears.00:04:04JackNo, no, no. The gummy bears they used what they called the gummy bears. Wait.00:04:09XochitlAre you sure it's not the care bears?00:04:12JackNo, it's the gummy bear. They were like, they would. They would drink this like gummy bear potion and then they would jump around. And I used to watch that show all.00:04:15발표자Through Google.00:04:21JackTime The Smurfs, OK.00:04:24XochitlOh yeah, adventures of the gummy bears. Oh, this looks cute. It's on Disney. Plus, I'm gonna watch it later.00:04:26JackYeah.00:04:30JackYeah, it's it was. It was the.00:04:32XochitlThe Smurfs. My aunt is like around your age. My youngest aunt, and she watched The Smurfs. And because she's short, people called her.00:04:43XochitlSmurfette.00:04:43JackYou rather Smurf Smurf at? Yeah. Yeah, I'm. I'm kind of look like Papa Smurf these days with my beard. I've. I've got a beanie and a white beard.00:04:44XochitlWith that, there's not much.00:04:49XochitlYou do and your beanie. You just need, like a white beanie. You just publisher for Halloween. That would be so cute. And your wife can be Smurf that. Yeah, that's good.00:04:56JackYeah, I should.00:04:59JackYeah.00:05:01JackSo you know I want I, that's my generation, right? The Smurfs, the gummy bears. I used to watch Uncle Scrooge. Like the adventures of Scrooge Mcduck. You know, like those kind of Disney ones. Yeah, all that stuff, you know.00:05:13XochitlOh yeah.00:05:16XochitlBy the time I was a kid, a lot of these have been made into life live actions like.00:05:20XochitlPerformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Smurfs had also been made into live action, so that happened. I didn't like them. I liked the cartoon ones when I was a kid, the most iconic cartoon of all time for my generation has to be sponge Bob Square pants.00:05:26JackYes.00:05:38JackYeah, yeah. And I used to watch that because my daughter, that's my daughter's, is 15 now. She watched Sponge Bob when she was young, and I watched it in Korean, which is really funny because I was learning. So in Korean, it's like nemu baggy, spongy Bob Nemu baggy, spongy Bob.00:05:39XochitlYes.00:05:44XochitlRight.00:05:48XochitlYes.00:05:51발표자Oh.00:05:58XochitlUh.00:05:59JackSponge Bob.00:06:02JackNate Chingu, my friend. Do you know so something like that? I don't know. I can't remember exactly. Yeah.00:06:06XochitlAnd then that's funny. Yeah. So Sponge Bob is the definitely one of the number one most iconic cartoons we saw as a kid. #2. I really like scooby-doo. They've done, like different ones for every generation. But when I was a kid, they had one. And I loved scooby-doo.00:06:16발표자Yeah.00:06:24XochitlThat was the one I saw the most, scooby-doo.00:06:26JackThat's funny because I watched the old one, the original one I.00:06:30JackWas a huge.00:06:30JackScooby-doo fan as well. I watched. Yeah.00:06:33XochitlYeah, I love scooby-doo, I.00:06:35XochitlThink I might have.00:06:35XochitlSeen that ohh Gee one because my mom is a Gen. Exer and I believe she would. She popped in the the OG ones actually because we had them on like VH. So that must have been her old VHS or something.00:06:44JackYeah.00:06:51JackThe real the the real old ones are the best ones because they're they've got Casey Kasem as as shaggy with his voice.00:06:59XochitlYeah.00:06:59JackYou know.00:07:00XochitlYeah, yoinks. Yeah. So that SpongeBob, scooby-doo, and I was thinking of another one that when we were talking about them.00:07:04JackYeah, that kind of thing.00:07:14XochitlAnd I was like, oh, that'd be a great one to bring up. And I was, like, blanking on it now because I wasn't allowed to watch a lot of cartoons.00:07:22JackMm-hmm.00:07:23XochitlSo but I remember.00:07:24JackWas it like uh, not Ren and Stimpy or Phineas? Phineas and Ferb were the ones that my daughter used to watch a lot.00:07:28XochitlNo, I will not understand mine.00:07:32XochitlI didn't like minions for that much. I did it did. I was a kid when it came out and I I was around the age, but I didn't really like it too much.00:07:41JackOK.00:07:43XochitlAh yeah, it looks like another 2000s cartoon. Come on, sponge Bob. scooby-doo. I watched some international ones like Shaman King, which was like an anime, and that would come on Saturday mornings. And I also watched someone that like some like The Simpsons, which is.00:07:56XochitlClassic and still run.00:07:57JackOhh Simpsons is great. Yeah, but that's not a Saturday morning cartoon. Really. That's more of a.00:08:01XochitlNo, that's like a more of a adult. It's it, it's an, it's like a PG13. It's not a super inappropriate or anything. It's not like.00:08:08JackYeah, yeah. I mean, it's just, it's just the humor is definitely for adults. Like kids, kids might might find it cute, but they they're not gonna understand the judge. No.00:08:12XochitlYes. Yeah.00:08:15XochitlYeah, they don't understand the full the humor. They definitely don't. So also SpongeBob is the same way when you see it as an adult, you're like, wait stuff, I'm.00:08:24JackYeah, SpongeBob is is made for the kids, won't get the the the subtle jokes, but it, you know, keep the parents interested while they're taking their kids to go watch the, you know, movie, SpongeBob or.00:08:29XochitlYeah.00:08:36JackWatching it on TV, parents can enjoy it too, because it's just bizarre and strange.00:08:42XochitlYeah, I yeah, I think that was one of the staples of, I mean, I think that was mainly the things I watched. Dooby Doo, SpongeBob. I obviously saw the Disney Classics as a kid, like the movies.00:08:54JackMHM.00:08:55XochitlThat they kind of turned to live action and there were some weird cartoons that I remember. There was one that I don't remember anymore. That was like she was a robot teenager robot.00:09:10XochitlAnd those she had these like, pigtails. And she was like blue and white. And I just, I don't even remember what it's called anymore. But I did watch quite a bit of that when I was a kid, and it was kind of.00:09:21JackI I used to watch the my parents generations cartoons. The Flintstones, the Jetsons.00:09:28XochitlOhh I did see the Flintstones as well. I saw the Flintstones and the Jetsons. I've I've seen both of those. Those are such classic American cartoons that I feel like every generation I've seen them because.00:09:38JackAnd what is the Jetsons? Is like 2015 or something? It's like, not even?00:09:43JackIt's not, it's.00:09:43XochitlRight, yes. It's like we've already surpassed it here. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. So we for surpassed the year that it aired on. Yeah. But yeah, I think those are the big ones. Phineas and Ferb was one that I did watch sometimes.00:09:45JackLike 2002 or something.00:10:00XochitlAnd I think that's pretty much it. I was in a big cartoon watch when my mom claimed it was like ohh, I watched some Arthur.00:10:07XochitlYeah, that was more like my sister's age though, like.00:10:10JackOhh yeah, what about Rugrats? Did you watch that one?00:10:12XochitlOh my God, I love.00:10:13XochitlRugrats and all grown up, they like Rugrats, was like at its tail end when I was a little kid. And so when I was kind of a little bit older, they had all grown up, which was the Rugrats. When they were all older.00:10:27JackOhh OK. I never got into it. My daughter watched a little bit of it, but not much so.00:10:28XochitlYeah. And so.00:10:29XochitlWatch that.00:10:33XochitlYeah, I really like. Yeah, I yeah, I I like the the Nickelodeon shows quite a bit.00:10:37JackWhat about Doug? Did you ever watch Doug?00:10:41XochitlNo, I think that was a little, yeah, I don't remember. I didn't. I didn't watch Doug. I watched one called like teachers PET where the dog is smarter than the kid.00:10:53XochitlEverything else.00:10:53JackWhat about Rick and Morty? Rick and Morty? Are you a fan?00:10:55XochitlOh yeah, that's more like adult one, though, right? And Leanne Lee Pepper and pepper. And that's what it was called. She was a redhead with, like, glasses. Pepper ran or Pepper ran or something. And I saw that one.00:10:59JackYeah.00:11:11XochitlYeah, I don't know. Those are kind of all ones that were kind of more in my generation. They're making live actions out of a lot of them.00:11:17XochitlNow.00:11:17XochitlLike the Disney Classics, and they turn a lot of the Disney Classic movies into series. When I was a kid.00:11:18JackYeah.00:11:22XochitlSo they have.00:11:23XochitlLike a little and stitch series or like a.00:11:28XochitlAladdin series and they had different things like that that you could watch when I.00:11:31XochitlWas a kid.00:11:32JackYeah, there's still milk in that and making money after that, franchises.00:11:36XochitlI know because now they're making the live actions and Danas and then it's just bad and then a a really famous one. When I was a kid was Shrek.00:11:46JackOhh sure. Yeah. Big time. Yeah, love it. First one is great. Yeah.00:11:47XochitlYeah, I love Shrek. I still watch.00:11:50XochitlFor this like.00:11:51XochitlYeah, my 24th birthday. I was like, I want to watch Chuck one and my dad complained and I said.00:12:01XochitlAnd I just popped on Shrek for my 24th birthday and that's what we watched. So.00:12:07JackThat's great.00:12:08XochitlAnd I would say my generation was like getting international already. So I watched a lot of cartoons like thought I am on Studio Ghibli, like the movies, like Spirited Away Howls with all of those.00:12:18JackYeah, yeah, yeah. Give yeah, sure.00:12:20XochitlThings.00:12:23XochitlYeah, I would say my generation saw like content from all around the globe a lot already.00:12:31JackYeah, because of the Internet, yeah.00:12:33XochitlThat's what I was thinking of. Adventure Time. Adventure Time was super popular.00:12:37JackOhh yeah, I my daughter loved that show. It was so weird. It's the weirdest show ever.00:12:42XochitlIt is weird. I just started watching it and it's so weird. It's like I remember thinking it was when I was a kid. That's so weird and kids like normally don't really pick up the same way because the world is weird to them. And I still thought it was weird when I was a kid.00:12:51JackYeah.00:12:59XochitlYes, I didn't see.00:12:59JackYeah. No, it's it's a. It's a bizarre, bizarre show. It's almost. I almost wouldn't let my daughter watch it because it was so strange.00:13:00XochitlIt.00:13:00XochitlBut I.00:13:08XochitlSome stuff.00:13:08JackBut then I was like, well, it's not.00:13:11XochitlThat's it. So go ahead.00:13:12JackLike this? It's not dirty or anything, it's just weird.00:13:16XochitlYeah, it's some of it is kind of like mildly inappropriate, like the ice king, like.00:13:16JackJust now.00:13:22XochitlLocks the princesses up or whatever and present. I mean, that's the kind of stuff that you've seen all throughout history of. Like what kids content is, but it is just kind of a weird. It's a weird show, but yeah, it is weird. Yeah.00:13:31JackYes.00:13:38XochitlThat was a big one. All right, well, if you guys have specific cartoons that you saw as kids, I would really like to hear about that. If you saw any of the cartoons.00:13:47XochitlWe're talking about.00:13:49XochitlI'm interested in hearing about that too. Leave us a comment down below at A-Z, shoot us an e-mail at at and join the meeting and WhatsApp groups.00:13:59XochitlIn conversation and we'll see you guys next time.00:14:01XochitlBye bye.Podcast Website: Media:WeChat: atozenglishpodcastFacebook Group: Tok: @atozenglish1Instagram: @atozenglish22Twitter: @atozenglish22A to Z Facebook Page: out our You Tube Channel: a member of Podchaser and leave a positive review! our Whatsapp group: Music: Daybird by Broke for Free this podcast at — Inquiries: & Opt-Out: