Vocabulary Spotlight | Texting Slang

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However, the exclusive subscriber button will give you access to the extra two or three episodes.00:00:42JackEach week.00:00:44JackSo make sure you hit that exclusive subscriber button if you want access to the extra episodes.00:00:52JackNow let's get on with the show.00:00:55JackWelcome to the A-Z English podcast. My name is Jack and I'm here with my co-host social. And today we are under the vocabulary spotlight.00:01:05JackAnd social is going to test me on my knowledge of testing accurate and I'm sorry texting.00:01:15XochitlExcellent.00:01:16JackAcronyms like like.00:01:17JackText.00:01:18JackTexting words or whatever I guess. Or texting language.00:01:20XochitlYes, finally explaining in a way, it's like you just you don't use the whole phrase or the whole words. You just use like a few letters to represent the word. So that's like what it is.00:01:32JackExactly, yeah.00:01:35XochitlAnd I have a six here so.00:01:38XochitlSo let's get started. I'm ready to tear you up because you really got me with the Canadian one was that Aussie one wasn't a total failure, the Canadian one.00:01:39XochitlOK.00:01:46JackNo, you did better on the Aussie one than you did with the Canadian slang, which is kind of surprising.00:01:51XochitlI know and.00:01:52XochitlCanadian and I've been to Canada and I don't even have any like Austin friends and I have Canadian friends as messy, but.00:01:58JackWe share a border with Canada, you know.00:02:01XochitlAnd I have a a close Canadian friend or a couple maybe, and I don't have like any Aussie friends I can think of, but I just ruined. I just ruined the Canadian one.00:02:10JackWell, I'll give a I'll.00:02:11JackGive a shout out to teacher Paul Paul the the the grammar detective.00:02:17JackIf you don't know his uh YouTube channel, check it out. For sure. The grammar detective best grammar teacher on the Internet. He sent me a message about that episode and said basically those Canadian terms are very like rural. You know, they're not. It's like.00:02:35JackOK.00:02:37JackAnd even most Canadian people don't use those terms. It's very much.00:02:41JackLike like hillbillies you know? Kind of like, yeah, people that live in the countryside might.00:02:47XochitlWithout in the sticks as you say.00:02:49JackIn the sticks, right? Yeah. Hillbillies is not a the right way to say that, but.00:02:55XochitlI think in sticks isn't either, but in the sticks are just a term we use for people who.00:02:59XochitlLive out in the country.00:03:00JackYeah.00:03:02JackCountry folk, you know, country people that are not, you know, maybe college educated, you know, high school educated only use those kinds of terms.00:03:12JackAnd it's it's not very they're not very common in in regular.00:03:17JackRight. But actually it's not actually.00:03:17XochitlSpeech in Sydney.00:03:19XochitlHas to do with the level of education. I think it's more just like it's kind of like colloquial language, like it's a regional dialect kind of thing, right? Oh, yeah.00:03:29JackYeah, yeah, yeah, very, very. You know, the central Canada, very rural farm farmers and things like that, so.00:03:40JackDon't feel bad about that one. The Ozzy slaying is much more common. I think throughout the whole country, I would say from from, just from knowing Australian people that grew up in cities, they use a lot of those terms, all the.00:03:52XochitlTime so you know.00:03:55XochitlAll right. Well, that makes me feel better and I'm ready to rip you up with these.00:04:02XochitlI, YK, YK what does that stand for?00:04:08JackIYKYK.00:04:10XochitlYeah.00:04:13JackI, YK, YK.00:04:18JackWait, you.00:04:21JackNo, I I'm.00:04:25JackI'm keeping.00:04:27XochitlThank you. I like it.00:04:27XochitlIYYK.00:04:34JackI'm your.00:04:38XochitlKind.00:04:40JackOK, like bad, this is bad. You give up your.00:04:44JackI don't. I'm gonna say uncle on this one. I have no idea. I'm. I give up.00:04:49XochitlGreat. If you know you know.00:04:52JackOhh if you know you know what? When? What's the context for using that? Like give me give me like an example.00:04:54발표자No.00:05:00XochitlHere's an example. Let's say that.00:05:04XochitlI use a specific product for people with curly hair and I post a picture of it online and say oh, this is the goat which remember is like the greatest one of all time. It's a IYKYK if you know, you know. So if you use this product or if you also have curly hair, you know.00:05:15JackYeah. The best. Yeah, yeah.00:05:24XochitlIf you know you know.00:05:26JackOK.00:05:28JackOr like.00:05:29JackIt sounds like another example like if you don't know well now you know.00:05:34JackThat's uh from a song, OK?00:05:34발표자No.00:05:35XochitlLike, yeah, if you know, you know, with is like, you're talking to people who also know. So like your audience. So like or let's say you post a picture of like slide chicken from a local place, but it looks a really certain way. And you're like, this is the best fried chicken in Atlanta if you know, you.00:05:38JackNow.00:05:52XochitlNo.00:05:53JackOhh, so you're you're in the secret club basically.00:05:56XochitlKinda. Yeah. Yeah, you're.00:05:57JackOK, OK.00:05:58JackIn the Super pub you're talking to other people, no?00:05:59JackIf you're in the secret club, you know. Yeah. You know. You. OK OK. If you know, you know, and then you show a picture of, like a club, you know, like a the sign on the on the on the the dance club or something. And if you don't know.00:06:13JackYou're not. You're not in the group. You're you're kind of.00:06:15XochitlRight. You're talking to other people who know if you know, you know, your audience is the other.00:06:20XochitlOh no. And then everyone's, like, laugh reacting and go. Yeah, that's the best. And everyone who doesn't know doesn't know. So.00:06:26JackYeah, they're like, what's that? Tell me about that. Like, sorry, secret, you know.00:06:31XochitlMm-hmm. Alright, Jack. And next one, BFR, BFR.00:06:31XochitlOK.00:06:39JackBut PSR best friends forever. Really.00:06:45XochitlNo.00:06:49JackUse my.00:06:49JackI mean, that's a big guess. That's a good guess.00:06:50JackThat's my VFR, my best friend for forever. Really my best friend forever, really.00:06:57XochitlWell, I would have that. That's good. I mean, I probably would have said best friend for real or something like that.00:07:02XochitlBut that but.00:07:04XochitlThat's not what it means though. It means be for freaking real.00:07:09JackOhh be for freaking.00:07:10XochitlSo it's like if someone says.00:07:11XochitlOK.00:07:15XochitlYou know, I'm trying to think of a good example.00:07:17JackLike, stop, stop being fake. Stop, you know.00:07:21XochitlNot playing play G for real, you know, be real.00:07:22JackStop playing.00:07:24JackBe for freaking real. Yeah, be honest. Like be be be real. Yeah. Be be for real. Yeah.00:07:29XochitlRight, these are freaking real. But so for our listeners, I would say just use either BFR to mean be for real or.00:07:40XochitlIf you're using BFR, make sure it's like pure or whatever, because freaking can be replaced by a curse word. Yeah, so you don't want to send to your professor B for freaking real. You know what I mean? That's not what your boss hey B for freaking real man, that is not appropriate, but.00:07:46JackYeah, that's more.00:07:57JackYeah, cause freaking is not the word. There's another word that starts with F that's a much more we we don't use that in the ABC English podcast because we are we're we're child friendly here on the on the.00:08:07XochitlI'm sorry, right?00:08:10XochitlGray.00:08:10JackThe podcast. But yeah, it's beautiful.00:08:12XochitlAlso, be even be for real is kind of like uh, like a call out. So you don't want to use it.00:08:17XochitlWith anyone but you.00:08:18JackYeah, I would.00:08:18JackOnly use it with like you know like friends and yeah, for real.00:08:21XochitlYour friends or your peers, or someone that you like hate in a petty way and it's like not that serious. Like, yeah, so be for real, be for freaking real. Alright, next 1LB S.00:08:27JackYeah.00:08:31JackNo.00:08:37XochitlOhh yes.00:08:41XochitlI think I got a Jack on this. I'm I'm proud.00:08:43JackI'm getting. I'm getting smoked here. This is terrible. OB S.00:08:51JackLatter Day Saints.00:08:56XochitlThat was terrible. No laughing but serious.00:09:01JackOhh that what does that mean now? Why am I laughing but serious?00:09:01XochitlLaughing.00:09:03JackSo then it will.00:09:07XochitlUM, let's say you're like, uh, oh man, your boss in Korea was terrible. And I'm I'm saying laughing but serious. Like I'm. I'm curious about it, but it's so bad. It's funny at this point.00:09:20JackSo it's like I don't know what whether to laugh or cry, so I'm just going to laugh like that.00:09:25XochitlA little bit or like or you say.00:09:31XochitlUh, I use this with one of my friends a lot, but let's say she's like, oh, man, that restaurant was terrible. And I'm like, I know that made me sick laughing but serious. Like, I'm kind of joking about it, but I'm for real. Like I'm being honest. So that was terrible. You know what? I.00:09:46JackYeah, I can. I can.00:09:46XochitlMean. I'm not kidding.00:09:47JackChuckle about it, but it really did make me angry, you know, like, I'm serious about it.00:09:52XochitlYeah.00:09:54XochitlRight, like uh, I'm joking, but I. But it's true. Like I'm making a joke out of a real situation kind of laughing, but.00:10:01JackOK, OK.00:10:02XochitlYeah. So that makes sense.00:10:04XochitlOK, TNT L.00:10:09Xochitl2.00:10:13XochitlToo, too nice to learn, too, too too.00:10:19Xochitl290 to to to to limbo 2.00:10:25JackThat was bad. Oh my God.00:10:27XochitlThat's the worst. Two too. Too late No2 TN.00:10:33XochitlYeah, yeah.00:10:34XochitlToo, too nice.00:10:37Xochitl2.00:10:43JackLie too nice to lie. She's TNT L She's too nice to lie.00:10:48XochitlDoes not make any sense. No. Trying not to laugh.00:10:52발표자Ohh God.00:10:54XochitlYeah.00:10:54JackIt's so easy. What? What happened to me?00:10:56XochitlI was. I was in. I think you just over. I was going to tell you. You definitely were overcomplicating it for yourself. Like, say you had the principles you send your your friend a message. Like man I owe to the principal's office. And I was in a lot of trouble.00:11:08XochitlBut I was TNT L trying not to laugh because, like, maybe you pulled the prank and now you're getting scolded and you're trying to laugh about it.00:11:15JackOK. OK. Yeah. Yeah. So for example, something like UM.00:11:23JackYou know my my roommate, my roommate spilled a a Diet Coke on his lap.00:11:24JackOh man, did you see that girl?00:11:30JackTop.00:11:31JackAnd I'm sitting here in the living room, NTL, trying not to laugh you.00:11:33JackIt's funny.00:11:37JackKnow something like that.00:11:39XochitlYeah. Or like, say, someone falls, you know, in a funny way. And you're like, man, I was worried about them. So I was TNT L trying not to laugh because it was funny after all.00:11:47JackBecause if you laugh, it's going to make them feel bad. But you're just like you're you're holding it in. You're biting your lip.00:11:52XochitlOr you don't want to look like a jerk. You know what I mean? But you're hoping it.00:11:55XochitlDidn't cause it was funny, yeah.00:11:59XochitlYeah. Alright, YANK.00:12:06XochitlOK.00:12:10JackWho?00:12:12XochitlYnk.00:12:13JackWhy? Why, why? OK. Sorry, sorry.00:12:19XochitlY&K.00:12:21XochitlYou're not.00:12:28JackThis is just a total fail. I'm such a fail. I'm so I'm so I'm so I'm so embarrassed that like my age is is just showing so obviously here.00:12:31JackIn the Canada episode I got back, I got back.00:12:43JackI'm having good time though.00:12:45JackWhat year did join this TNT L?00:12:50JackI'm not even trying at this place.00:12:51JackHe's not even TTL. Yeah, she's NT NTL.00:12:56XochitlNot not the last.00:12:57JackLet's see. I've got no idea. I I know what Y2K was, but that happened in 2000. So before you were born.00:13:04XochitlLike he was after I was born. Yeah. You never know. You never know.00:13:09JackYou never know, yeah.00:13:11XochitlNo.00:13:13JackIs. Is Julie coming to the party? Ohh. You never know. She might show up, right?00:13:20JackWould would that work?00:13:21JackI think he well.00:13:22XochitlA little, maybe more like a.00:13:24XochitlYeah.00:13:26XochitlMan, I don't think I'm going to get into Harvard. And your friends like YNK. You never know you could.00:13:33XochitlYou know anything is possible. You never know.00:13:34XochitlYou.00:13:37JackYeah, yeah. Bob isn't gonna ask me to the prom.00:13:42JackY&K. You never know. Yeah, OK.00:13:43Xochitl1.00:13:46XochitlYeah, alright. I'm gonna throw you a bone here. I think you'll know this one and it's going to be extradited.00:13:48XochitlThanks.00:13:52JackIs it lol? I mean if it's lol then I can get it I think right?00:13:54JackNo.00:13:58XochitlIMHO.00:14:01JackOhh I know this one. I know this one I.00:14:07JackWhat is it IMHO?00:14:11JackUM means uh.00:14:14JackIMHO I failed this test.00:14:17JackIn my honest opinion, I failed this test.00:14:22XochitlOhh, so close Jack so close in my humble opinion.00:14:27JackAh, is that what you need? Humble. No.00:14:30JackYes, this is my humble opinion.00:14:34XochitlWhat?00:14:35JackWhy do I?00:14:36JackWhy did I always think it was in?00:14:37JackMy honest opinion.00:14:38XochitlI guess they weren't. Either way, in my honest opinion, and well, it works either way, but yeah, it's.00:14:40JackYeah.00:14:43JackBut it makes more.00:14:44JackSense to say, in my humble opinion.00:14:46JackLike cause it makes you like more. It makes you humble. Like it's better like you know, instead of just being honest, yeah.00:14:50XochitlYeah, I'd say in my, yeah, it's more like, you know, I'm not saying this is 100% right, but this is just my humble opinion.00:14:59JackIt's more protective of your of your.00:14:59XochitlSo that's why.00:15:02JackLike, yeah, it's more protective of you. Like, if you're saying, in my honest opinion, blah, blah, blah, then you're wrong.00:15:08JackYou might look.00:15:08XochitlLike more of a jerk also. But like in my humble opinion is like this is just what I'm humbly offering as my opinion. But I'm not saying I'm it's right or wrong either way, yeah.00:15:18JackOK, OK. I get half point half credit for that one.00:15:19JackBut I think they.00:15:22XochitlYeah, you get half credit, alright, listeners, if you enjoyed watching me destroy Jack this time around, finally I got my venture. Then leave a comment down below. It really helps us with visibility at A-Z englishpodcast.com shoot us an e-mail. We love listening to listen your emails at azspodcast@gmail.com or join the WeChat.00:15:42XochitlThose groups to talk to Jack and I directly and we'll see you next time. Bye.00:15:47JackBye bye. 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Welcome to The A to Z English Podcast, where we take you on a journey from learning the basics to mastering the nuances of the English language. Our podcast is designed for non-native speakers who are looking to improve their English skills in a fun and interactive way. Each episode covers a wide range of topics, from grammar and vocabulary to slang and culture, to help you navigate the English-speaking world with ease. Join us every week as we explore the A to Z of the English language and help you build confidence in your communication skills. Let's get started!