Parent Like It’s Your Job

Shannon was my guest this time last year. As I freshly paved the way for Abundant Parent Membership, Shannon was also setting the foundation for her business, Embracing the Brilliance. As a mom, I knew Shannon understood the unique struggles we face as parents trying to make time for ourselves. As an entrepreneur, she knew how to handle this parenting gig like it was a career! And that is all about steady effort to reduce burnout! Self-love comes up a lot these days in parenting circles because it DOES make a huge difference in how we show up for our kids, and what we model for them. Shannon helps us breakdown parent overwhelm and gives 3 clear tips for staying one step ahead of the family chaos! Don’t forget to watch until the end, Shannon offers a free download and discovery session!  Just join the Abundant Parent Community Facebook group here: Connect with Shannon on Facebook here. Be sure to mention you want the offer from the Abundant Parent!  Watch the workshop here: YOU CAN ALSO LISTEN TO IT AS A PODCAST HERE:SPOTIFY | GOOGLE PLAY | APPLE PODCASTS Catch the mini video below with Leah and Shannon. Shannon shares with us her tips and tricks for incorporating self-love into your life. These Tools will work whether you are a stay at home parent, work from home parent or work out of the home parent. Self-Love Tools to Share with your Kiddos: Looking for a kit to help you dive into self-love? I love this one! It’s kid friendly! You may find your children become a proponent of your self-care so they can join you and play with the butterflies and crystals! ABOUT LEAH: Author of “Where the Light Is… A Parent’s Guide,” and best selling author Leah Recor is a mother of two young girls, driven by a holistic path to help parents heal their stories and connect with and empower their children.  Leah is also a Co-Founder of a nonprofit mentoring children facing life-altering conditions with creative writing.  Leah is available for onsite presentations of The Abundant Parent to organizations and corporate entities. To learn more, visit: www.

Om Podcasten

Hi! I’m Leah, a mother of two living a life in practice of abundance and the power of attraction. Together, I help you to bring light and love into your children’s lives by introducing small easy practices into your daily life. You will parent without guilt and regret and become the parent your children connect with best. Co-Founder of Little Legacies, a nonprofit, I also mentor children, facing illness, trauma and special needs, in writing through creative expression.