What the Feud Between Two Professional Sports Leagues Can Teach Us About Strategy

Many people are passionate about sports, so it’s fun when the business of sports can teach us about business strategy. Such is the case with the fight between two professional golf tours – the incumbent #1 North America-based PGA Tour and its new challenger, the Saudi Arabian government- backed LIV Tour. Over the course of this episode and the next, the team will highlight lessons learned about ecosystem strategy, positioning and the importance of conducting competitive war games.

Om Podcasten

I am Tom Spitale, a Partner at Impact Planning Group - welcome to our Podcast! Along with my colleagues and Partners Mary Abbazia and Sean Welham, we are the authors of "The Accidental Marketer" published by Wiley. Through our book and our consulting practice, we help (mostly B2B) Accidental Marketers create unique and compelling strategies that differentiate their products and services from the competition. Our podcast addresses important B2B strategic marketing issues and is designed to help listeners maximize profits in their area of responsibility by creating, communicating and capturing (via pricing strategies) more value for customers than competitors do.