AFP 142 - Amarinder Grewal: Pidgins and Creoles

 Today's episode is all about Pidgin and Creole languages with enthusiast Amarinder from the US.  ===================   📣 This podcast is sponsored by Italki! Learn REAL language through the power and convenience of personal tutoring lessons, for any language at VERY affordable rates. ** ‼️ Win $500 italki credits and $500 towards your dream flight ticket by entering the goals competition! Read more here: ** ‼️ Need a challenge to get you started in 2019? Join the New Year Challenge by italki and win prizes just for doing language lessons. Read more here:  ** 💰 You can get a $10 credit when you book your first lesson by going to   ===================    The Atlas of Pidigin and Creole Language Structures Online: The Survey of Pidgin and Creole Languages: Speaking Michif in Four Metis Communicates: Linguistic Society of America: “How man languages are there in the world?”:  Français Tirailleur Pidgin — a corpus study: “Modeling the Emergence of Contact Languages” : “French and underdevelopment, Haitian Creole and development”: “The Post-Creole Continuum”:  

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The Actual Fluency Podcast features inspirational stories from world-class language learners, industry experts, and regular people who embraced multilingualism in one way or another. In the episodes we dive deep down in the why that pushed people to learn a new language, the how to figure out how they best achieved it, and of course a lot of great stories of the experiences that speaking multiple languages can bring to people's lives. We also talk about apps, methodology, and education to try and find ways to shorten the path to mastery.