AFP 191 - Benny Lewis: Recovery from bad times, Korean Mission, and the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp

In this episode we catch up with Fluent in 3 Months founder Benny Lewis about his latest language learning mission (Korean), the new and improved Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp, and a very open discussion on how he recovered from a few horrible years of depression, divorce, debt, and weight gain. Benny's Website where you can find everything including his book, and bootcamp: Bite Size Language Courses from Actual Fluency:

Om Podcasten

The Actual Fluency Podcast features inspirational stories from world-class language learners, industry experts, and regular people who embraced multilingualism in one way or another. In the episodes we dive deep down in the why that pushed people to learn a new language, the how to figure out how they best achieved it, and of course a lot of great stories of the experiences that speaking multiple languages can bring to people's lives. We also talk about apps, methodology, and education to try and find ways to shorten the path to mastery.