#760: Navigating the Journey from Unseen to Desired
In this episode, Bill and Bryan dive into a candid conversation about a common frustration they share when coaching clients – the challenge of convincing clients to create valuable content that bridges the gap between being unknown and becoming a trusted partner in the eyes of their prospects. The guys explore the journey from initial unawareness to eventual engagement and how offering a "gesture of value" at the start of this journey can be a game-changer for clients. They share insights on overcoming resistance, letting go of attachment to outcomes, and embracing the 80/20 principle to identify and nurture clients who are truly aligned with growth. ================================= Want our "Insider Secrets?" Go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insidersecrets to get them right now! The Insider program is open for enrollment. If you have not checked out our small learning group, go to http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/insider to join today! If you haven't already, make sure you join us in our LinkedIn group: http://advancedsellingpodcast.com/linkedin. Looking for more sales training like this podcast? Download our FREE audio program, The Ultimate Pre-Game. http://ultimatepregame.com =================================