Eat Your Problems For Breakfast
Why is it that you seem to give your friends the best advice, yet when you have a problem it seems insurmountable. Too big. Too challenging. Huge. And not only that, but the natural urge seems to be to avoid problems, that you should have less problem, and that a problem-free life is ideal... Yet the truth is that is a lie. Having less problems is actually a surefire way to have more problems. Why? And why do we say you should eat your problems for breakfast? This podcast answers that, as well as giving you a totally new perspective on your problems, how to handle them and how to expand in your relationships, your work, your life. LET'S CONNECT! ▶Mariah's Instagram: ▶Gal's Instagram: ▶Mariah's Blog ▶Gal's Links: ▶Mariah's YouTube: ▶Business enquires