The Money Episode
Money is a very weird thing - because on the one hand it's the most important thing for survival, yet when it comes to what truly matters in life, money is the least important thing! Everyone wants money, yet most don't understand money. You need money, yet with or without it, you have problems! In fact money issues are the second leading cause of divorce, and the leading cause of relationship arguments. So it's a pretty important subject as we're sure you'd agree! We felt it fitting to talk a bit more into our points of view on the paper, and we hope this discussions help you get another lens to view the almighty dollar through. Because yes, you can have money. Yes, you can have a lot of money. And yes, money doesn't need to be a problem in your relationships or your life. Check out today's adventure, and wishing your money flows to be strong and ever running. FOLLOW US! ▶Mariah's Instagram: ▶Gal's Instagram: ▶Mariah's Blog ▶Gal's Website: ▶Mariah's YouTube: ▶Gal's YouTube: ▶Business enquires