AG 059: Welcome to Season 4!

Here we go with Season 4! The Before Gamling Project The Before Gambling Project is an independent effort to reduce problem gambling and gambling harm through public awareness and improvements across the industry from operators to treatment facilities. The project is driven by relentless internal curiosity and belief in an open sharing of best practices to most quickly and efficiently address problem gambling and gambling harm. Follow on Twitter Dyve Agency Providing stakeholders of the global gaming industry with insight into how to best position their brand to address and manage risks around problem gambling and other related social issues. Follow on Twitter

Om Podcasten

The After Gambling Podcast is a show dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of problem gambling. As a former compulsive gambler, I experienced the shame and isolation of my addiction on a daily basis. I didn't feel like anyone could understand my problem and that it was up to me to use my willpower to quit gambling. Now, I want to reach out and help others overcome their gambling addiction.