AG 101: An Episode for Parents with Jody Bechtold, LCSW, ICGC-II, BACC, PC

As I say at the end of each episode, I have no letters before or after my name. I'm just a guy that had a gambling addiction. Well, today's guest has letters...lots and lots of letters. This past winter, I once again was blown away by the insights Jody shared centered on the "failure to launch" cohort at a conference and it resonated with everything I've experienced personally and have seen in many others. I asked her to share her wisdom on the podcast and she did not disappoint. While this is a tremendous episode for friends and family (specifically parents) to better understand and address gambling addiction in their loved ones, there is a ton of fresh insight for those of us who were gamblers as well...including a fantastic quote she highlights about finance. I encourage you to check out The Better Institute website to connect with Jody and her team which offers everything from online therapy to courses for providers, parents, teens, and athletes. As if that isn't a lot already, you can grab a copy of her book "The Gambling Disorder Handbook: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals" on Amazon.

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The After Gambling Podcast is a show dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of problem gambling. As a former compulsive gambler, I experienced the shame and isolation of my addiction on a daily basis. I didn't feel like anyone could understand my problem and that it was up to me to use my willpower to quit gambling. Now, I want to reach out and help others overcome their gambling addiction.