Episode 98: The Heckle Revolution YOW! 2015 Edition

Craig joins Darren Rogan, Ben Morgan and Leigh Appel in another special cross over episode with the Hack && Heckle Podcast to talk software development, Agile and preview the upcoming YOW! conference that will be covered by both podcasts. This episode has been released simulatenously as H&&H 131 – Hack and Heckle / Agile Revolution Discuss … Continue reading →

Om Podcasten

Join Craig, Tony and Renee on a journey through the world of Agile as they look at recent blogs related to Agile, investigate practices and techniques, look at tools and answer your questions. The revolutionists focus on not just Agile as it relates to software development but also how it applies to business, transition, culture, people and a whole lot more!