Exaggeration Detector Could Lead to More Accurate Health Science Journalism - Ep. 163

It would be an exaggeration to say you’ll never again read a news article overhyping a medical breakthrough. But, thanks to researchers at the University of Copenhagen, spotting hyperbole may one day get more manageable. In a paper, Dustin Wright and Isabelle Augenstein explain how they used NVIDIA GPUs to train an “exaggeration detection system” to identify overenthusiastic claims in health science reporting. The paper comes amid a pandemic that has fueled demand for understandable, accurate information. And social media has made health misinformation more widespread. Research like Wright and Augenstein’s could speed more precise health sciences news to more people. We spoke with Wright about his work. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2022/2/16/exaggeration-detector-podcast/

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