Fusing Art and Tech: MORF Gallery CEO Scott Birnbaum on Digital Paintings, NFTs and More - Ep. 160

Browse through MORF Gallery — virtually or at an in-person exhibition — and you’ll find robots that paint, digital dreamscape experiences, and fine art brought to life by visual effects. The gallery showcases cutting-edge, one-of-a-kind artwork from award-winning artists who fuse their creative skills with AI, machine learning, robotics and neuroscience. Scott Birnbaum, CEO and co-founder of MORF Gallery, a Silicon Valley startup, spoke with NVIDIA AI Podcast host Noah Kravitz about digital art, non-fungible tokens, as well as ArtStick, a plug-in device that turns any TV into a premium digital art gallery. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2022/01/19/morf-gallery-ceo-scott-birnbaum/

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One person, one interview, one story. Join us as we explore the impact of AI on our world, one amazing person at a time -- from the wildlife biologist tracking endangered rhinos across the savannah here on Earth to astrophysicists analyzing 10 billion-year-old starlight in distant galaxies to the Walmart data scientist grappling with the hundreds of millions of parameters lurking in the retailer’s supply chain. Every two weeks, we’ll bring you another tale, another 25-minute interview, as we build a real-time oral history of AI that’s already garnered nearly 3.4 million listens and been acclaimed as one of the best AI and machine learning podcasts. Listen in and get inspired. https://blogs.nvidia.com/ai-podcast/