Hugging Face’s Sam Shleifer Talks Natural Language Processing - Ep. 124

Hugging Face is more than just an adorable emoji — it’s a company that’s demystifying AI by transforming the latest developments in deep learning into usable code for businesses and researchers. Research engineer Sam Shleifer spoke with AI Podcast host Noah Kravitz about Hugging Face NLP technology, which is in use at over 1,000 companies, including Apple, Bing and Grammarly, across fields ranging from finance to medical technology. Hugging Face’s models serve a variety of purposes for their customers, including autocompletion, customer service automation and translation. Their popular web application, Write with Transformer, can even take half-formed thoughts and suggest options for completion. Shleifer is currently at work developing models that are accessible to everyone, whether they are proficient coders or not. In the next few years, Shleifer envisions the continued growth of smaller NLP models that power a wave of chat apps with state-of-the-art translation capabilities.

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