NVIDIA’s Clément Farabet on Orchestrating AI Training for Autonomous Vehicles - Ep. 175

Autonomous vehicles are one of the most complex AI challenges of our time. The networks running in the car must act as an intricate symphony, requiring intensive training, testing and validation on massive amounts of data to operate safely in the real world. Clément Farabet is the Vice President of AI Infrastructure at NVIDIA, and is the proverbial maestro behind the AV development orchestra. He’s applying nearly 15 years of experience in deep learning — including building Twitter’s AI machine — to teach neural networks how to perceive and react to the world around them. Farabet sat down with NVIDIA’s Katie Burke Washabaugh on the latest episode of the AI Podcast to discuss how the early days of deep learning led to today’s flourishing AV industry, and how he’s approaching DNN development. Tapping into the performance of the NVIDIA SaturnV supercomputer, Farabet is designing a highly scalable data factory to deliver intelligent transportation in the near term, and is looking ahead to the next frontiers in AI.

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