Teaching Families to Embrace AI - Ep. 85

Tara Chklovski is CEO and founder of Iridescent, a non-profit that provides access to hands on learning opportunities to prepare underrepresented children and adults for the future of work. She’s been called everything from the “pioneer empowering the incredible tech girls of the future,” to a “CEO science superstar hero.” Tara is here to talk about a bunch of things, including the UN’s AI for Good Global Summit this May in Geneva, and the AI World Championship, part of the AI Family Challenge, May 18 in Silicon Valley.

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One person, one interview, one story. Join us as we explore the impact of AI on our world, one amazing person at a time -- from the wildlife biologist tracking endangered rhinos across the savannah here on Earth to astrophysicists analyzing 10 billion-year-old starlight in distant galaxies to the Walmart data scientist grappling with the hundreds of millions of parameters lurking in the retailer’s supply chain. Every two weeks, we’ll bring you another tale, another 25-minute interview, as we build a real-time oral history of AI that’s already garnered nearly 3.4 million listens and been acclaimed as one of the best AI and machine learning podcasts. Listen in and get inspired. https://blogs.nvidia.com/ai-podcast/