Waste Not, Want Not: AI Startup Opseyes Revolutionizes Wastewater Analysis - Ep. 145

What do radiology and wastewater have in common? Hopefully, not much. But at startup Opseyes, founder Bryan Arndt and data scientist Robin Schlenga are putting the AI that’s revolutionizing medical imaging to work on analyzing wastewater samples. Arndt and Schlenga spoke with NVIDIA AI Podcast host Noah Kravitz about the inspiration for Opseyes, which began with Arndt’s career at wastewater industry leader Ramboll. Effluent has typically been analyzed by sending tightly sealed samples through the mail to experts. While speaking with his brother, a radiologist using deep learning, Arndt realized that AI could do something similar for wastewater samples. Schlenga then led the creation of Opseyes’ convolutional neural network, which allows customers to upload a photo of a sample taken through a microscope. With Opseyes already in use at several wastewater plants, Arndt and Schlenga anticipate much more bacterial analysis in their future. https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2021/06/16/ai-opseyes-wastewater-analysis/

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