#66 - Master Your Focus | How to Set an Intention for the Month + Minimize Phone Distractions

Have you ever felt like you’re on a hamster wheel doing the same thing day in + day out and not sure how to break the cycle? That’s exactly what today’s episode is all about; it’s all about creating an intention for the month so you feel confident that you’re moving in the direction you want vs. life passively carrying you along. Setting an intention for the month can be an easy way to stay on track and focused towards achieving your goals. During this episode I’ll help you set an intention for the new month as well as dive into how to set your phone up to minimize your distractions to keep you laser focused throughout your day and life! During this episode you’ll learn how to: - Set an intention for the month that is aligned with your goals - Select a word or phrase that resonates with you most - Understand how technology can be a distraction towards achieving your goals - Create healthy boundaries with technology and social media - Set your phone up to work with you vs. against you Resources mentioned in this episode: Purchase Atomic Habits by James Clear here: https://amzn.to/3jRdtY3 Shop the Life Simplified Crystals Collection Yoga Mats here: https://lifesimplified.shop/ Enter the Life Simplified Yoga Mat Giveaway here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-Ut3RJQJJ/ Let’s connect on Social: @TheAliMcGPodcast @_LifeSimplified @alimcg_

Om Podcasten

Welcome to Master It — a supportive space to have honest and real conversations to help individuals transform their lives for the better! This community strives to “master” all areas of their life. The goal isn’t about perfection, but rather progress and knowing the journey will be a bit messy along the way. We lean into the discomfort of change and growth knowing we will be better humans coming out of it. Every Monday, Ali brings you a new meditation -- short, sweet and right to the point! Enjoy! Let's connect on IG: @alimcg_